28 May, 2010

Behind the Fashion: Princess Raelynn

What inspired you to wear Lolita?

I really found it by accident while searching my life long interest, the Victorian Era. I love the fashion of the time, the life style, the arts, and especially the etiquette. I mean, now I can dress in Victorian style, look good doing it, and not have everyone thing I’m from a renaissance fair! YAY!

What do you like to wear when not in Lolita?

I usually wear jeans, but I’m trying to break that habit in favor of slacks and casual but nice tops, rather than tee shirts. I also love sun dresses!

Are you in school?

If so what is your major/grade? Yes, I just finished up my 11th grade year in High School! Senior next year!

What would you say are your “non-lolita” hobbies?

Hmm, I suppose video games. I love to play Oblivion and DDR, as well as others. I also have a strange fascination with card games, though since the Alice movie I think Lolis have picked cards up (again, maybe.)

What kind of music do you enjoy?

I really like anything except hip-hop, rap, and screamo. I really like Miranda Lambert, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Linkin Park, and Shinedown.


I really like romance books, historical fiction, and books about mythical creatures (vampires, werewolves, valkyrie, witches, etc.) My favorites are the House of Night Series, the Immortals After Dark Series, and the Vampire Academy Series.

What do you think is the least Lolita about you?

My speech and my eating habits. I have the tendency to not be very nice when I talk, threatening is my biggest problem, though I can sound like the stereotypical loli at times. My eating habits are also not very loli. Most lolis I know try to take care of their bodies and eat healthy, I don’t. I don’t eat the stereotypical sugar all the time, but I eat potato chips and fast food ALL THE TIME!!

Any final words?

Uh sure, whether I’m in lolita or I’m not, I am who I am and that doesn’t ever change. There so much more to girls then the clothes they wear, and I am no exception.

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