06 September, 2010


First off, welcome to my new blogger!! After playing with it for a while, I've concluded I like it better than wordpress. Second, note that the text on the banner has change. I, of course, am still and forever Raelynn, but I think that "Curious Wanderings" describes my life right now better. I am just curiously wandering through life see what I've missed and what I've jsut now come to. Wondering who I will be and where I'll be.

Finally, This weekend, Hnter went to the lake with a few friends, so I had nothing better to do. I started cleaning my "closet/dressing room", convinced dad to take me to home depot, and started painting! I wanted to do a before and after thing, but, of course, my camera is still in Hunter's car, so here's a video!

#1 - I look horrible and the lighting is bad, but I'm painting, I don't need to get goo things dirty.
#2 - I call the walls ugly, but they're not really. I actually like the purple, when it was first done. I called it ugly 'cause now it's all dirty and chipped.
#3 - Your first exposure to my black hair! You can't really tell it in the video, but I'll have pictures of it whenever I get my camera back!
#4 - The song is Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson!!!

Princess Raelynn

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